D.C. Council Debates Proposed Tax Increase on the Wealthy

“With a modest tax increase on D.C.’s wealthiest residents, the council will raise over $170 million each year by fiscal year 2025 to help dismantle structural barriers to opportunity for Black and Brown communities and those living on low incomes,”

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Work to Advance Racial Equity in the Budget Is Incomplete

While the Council votes twice on the DC budget, we know that the first vote is the most consequential moment for Councilmembers to improve the lives of Black and brown, and immigrant communities, whose economic, social, and cultural contributions are the heart […]

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Taxing the Wealthy in DC: A Matter of Racial Justice

Lawmakers must use this pivotal moment to reform DC’s tax code and advance racial equity. To create a strong and just recovery and better future, these reforms must include higher income taxes on the wealthiest residents.

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