Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets Publications and Resources

Fact Sheets

By Investing $139 Million in DC’s Child Care Subsidy Program, the Local Economy Could Grow $1.7 Billion

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Fact Sheets

DC Can Boost Income to Tackle Child Poverty

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A photo banner of three photos of children at different ages
Fact Sheets

How Wealthy Households Use a “Buy, Borrow, Die” Strategy to Avoid Taxes on Their Growing Fortunes

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three step "buy, borrow, die" strategy illustrated with icons.
Fact Sheets

Without Replacement Funds for Expiring Pandemic Dollars, Schools Face Instability

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Fact Sheets

The District Can Raise Critically Needed Revenue by Taxing Wealth

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text that reads tax justice is racial justice on a red marble background
Fact Sheets

Executive Summary: Achieving Vision of Fairly Compensated Early Education Workforce Makes Anticipation of Cost Growth Imperative

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Fact Sheets

Summary: Bringing It All Home: How DC Can Become the First Major City to End Chronic Homelessness and Provide Higher-Quality Services

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Fact Sheets

DC’s Earned Income Tax Credit: A Powerful Tool for Racial, Gender, and Economic Equity

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Fact Sheets

Moving Towards Tax Equity and Racial Equity

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Fact Sheets

Taxing the Wealthy in DC: A Matter of Racial Justice

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