
The District's Dime

Defending Our Neighbors Who Live in Encampments

A focus on moving encampments doesn’t solve anything because it fails to address the underlying causes—a severe shortage of affordable housing and a shelter system in need of improvement. Clearing encampments one day usually means tents show up around the […]

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Study of School Funding Formula Presents Opportunity to Involve the Community

Every student in DC deserves to attend an adequately funded public school. Yet the District’s mechanism for funding public schools, the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF), is failing to keep up with the rising costs of education.

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DCFPI Welcomes Danielle Hamer and Thomas Wilson to Our Team!

DCFPI is excited to welcome Danielle Hamer and Thomas Wilson to our team!

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DCFPI Welcomes Tazra Mitchell to Our Team!

We’re excited to introduce you to Tazra Mitchell, DCFPI’s new Policy Director! She will manage and advance the organization’s policy research and advocacy agenda.   

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DCFPI Welcomes Qubilah Huddleston & Alyssa Noth to Our Team!

We’re excited to introduce you to Qubilah Huddleston and Alyssa Noth, DCFPI’s new Education Policy Analysts!

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A Path to Better Budgeting: Suspend the Council Finance Committee

The full Council should take over the Finance Committee’s tax policy role, since revenue decisions affect the ability to fund Council-wide priorities.

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Transparency: A Key to Education Equity and Better School Budgets

The budget will grow 3 percent per student, yet average DCPS teacher costs are rising over 4 percent, meaning resources won’t be enough system-wide to maintain staffing and services.

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Beyond Outdoor Movies: Summer in DC Also Brings Paid Family Leave and a Higher Minimum Wage

This week, we’re celebrating DC’s progress towards implementing paid family leave and a new minimum wage increase that goes into effect July 1—a week from today.

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CFO Overreach in Events DC Surplus Would Eliminate Opportunity to Address Deplorable Public Housing Conditions

The DC Council wants to use the Events DC surplus to address deplorable public housing conditions. The CFO is trying to undermine this plan.

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It’s Time to Make the Housing Production Trust Fund More Transparent

Since the Housing Production Trust Fund is DC’s primary tool to finance the production and preservation of affordable housing, public transparency should be required for the entire HPTF project selection process.

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