
The District's Dime

Our response to Washington Post columnist Colby King


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Why Care About DC Goverment? A Word from DCFPI’s Intern


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How Will Candidates Make Work Possible for DC Residents?


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A Few Lessons We Hope DC Leaders Have Learned From This Year’s Summer Youth Employment Program


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The Week Ahead….


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Guest Blog: Fenty’s Bad Math on Summer Jobs Hurts Those Who Need Help Most

It wasn’t much of a surprise to read this morning that DC’s summer youth employment program has already spent millions over its budget this year. Cost overruns for summer jobs are turning into a habit that won’t be broken without serious […]

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Lack of Funding for Homeless Services Leaves Families Without Shelter

For the first time in at least ten years, the District is not providing emergency shelter or housing to even the most vulnerable, highest priority families—those who are sleeping with their children on the street, in abusive settings, in cars, at bus […]

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Housing for a Better Tomorrow

Earlier this month, the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) launched a new campaign to improve affordable housing in the District. The Continuum of Housing Campaign seeks to ensure all DC residents can have “decent, quality […]

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Five Myths about Unemployment Insurance

We want to flag a good article in last Sunday’s Washington Post Outlook section, just in case your summer weekend didn’t include a good perusing of the newspaper. If it didn’t, you might have missed a great myth-busting job by Heidi […]

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The Week Ahead…

Monday, July 26

Washington Interfaith Network’s Election Accountability Night, 7:30-9:30 PM, Asbury United Methodist Church (11th and K Streets NW)

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