
The District's Dime

Before the Pandemic, DC’s Economy was Booming, but COVID-19 is Increasing Hardship

Incomes rose and the official federal poverty level (FPL) declined in 2019, according to new American Community Survey Census data released this week.

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Results from School Funding Study Outline Options for DC to Advance Educational Equity

School funding in DC could become more equitable if the city were to implement the policy options laid out in a new study that the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) commissioned.

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Pandemic is Throwing Many DC Residents into Financial Distress

With tens of thousands of DC workers laid off and the ongoing spread of COVID-19 limiting economic activity, a substantial number of DC households are struggling to afford food and pay rent. O

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DC Council Approves Budget that Increases Investments in Critical Programs, But Falls Short of What this Unprecedented Moment Requires

Yesterday, DC Council approved an $8.6 billion local budget. Although we’re in the middle of a global pandemic and recession that is deepening entrenched economic and racial inequities, it fails to adequately rise to what the times require.

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DC Council Should Protect Revenue Increases at Second Vote and Use More Reserves

DC Council’s budget has significant shortcomings even with modest revenue increases, largely because Council failed to put forward a truly bold revenue strategy in the face of a $1.5 billion revenue shortfall.

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DC Council Budget Moves in the Right Direction, Some Major Shortcomings Remain

On Tuesday, The DC Council cast the first of two votes on their fiscal year (FY) 2021 budget, which moves the District’s fiscal policy and investments in the right direction.

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July Brings New Benefits and Wage Increases for District Workers and Families

Today, the District becomes a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

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DC Budget Markups: Council Boosts Funding for Some Services but Substantial Shortcomings Remain

Last week, DC Council committees voted on changes—or “markups”—to the Mayor’s proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget, which failed to adequately meet the spike in human needs resulting from the current economic downturn and pandemic.

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DC Students Deserve Empathy and Greater Mental Health Support, Not Policing and Punishment

The Metropolitan Police Department’s largest contract funds a police presence in District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). This money could be better spent on student mental health.

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An Investment in Affordable Housing is an Investment in Long-Term Community Stability

Affordable housing is one area that, if supported with robust, recurring funding, can provide long-term safety and stability for low-income and Black and brown communities facing skyrocketing housing prices in the District.

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