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DCFPI Launches ‘Momentum for Change’ Fundraising Campaign 

$200,000 Goal Will Power Multi-Year Strategic Plan

WASHINGTON, DC: Today, the DC Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI) launches the Momentum for Change fundraising campaign to raise $200,000 in 2023. This effort will position DCFPI to build on its legacy as a trusted source of data and analysis on tax and budget issues by strengthening its capacity as it pursues a five-year agenda for the economic liberation of Black and brown people in the District.  

Structural racism has led to vast racial and ethnic inequities in education, housing, employment, income, wealth, and health, privileging white residents while leaving Black and non-Black residents of color more likely to struggle to get by and care for their children. The funds from the Momentum for Change campaign will strengthen DCFPI’s capacity to pursue a transformative policy agenda, including: 

  • Creating and expanding policies that guarantee income for individuals and families most sidelined by racism and economic exclusion. 
  • Creating a fully equitable tax code that raises revenue based on the ability to pay and redistributes resources to impacted communities. 
  • Investing in Black wealth by improving and expanding baby bonds and Black homeownership and reducing Black debt. 

“Under our new mission and vision, DCFPI is identifying, advocating for, and winning policy solutions that both dismantle racist systems and build new ones for an anti-racist future,” said Executive Director Erica Williams. “The fund campaign will strengthen our capacity to work with District leaders in reimagining what’s possible and help us work towards our long-term vision of building a District of shared abundance and collective liberation.”  

To help reach the $200,000 campaign goals and broaden awareness, DCFPI will host various events and opportunities for engagement throughout 2023, bringing together its ecosystem to move the needle on change. For more information about how to support the campaign, contact Todd Gray, Director of Institutional Advancement, at