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DC Fiscal Policy Institute Selected for Major Grant To Support Efforts Towards a Worker-Centered Economy

WASHINGTON, DC – The DC Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI) is thrilled to be a recipient of the Economic Analysis and Research Network’s (EARN) Worker-Centered Policies for an Equitable Recovery (WCPER) fund, which supports major, multi-year projects with the goal of creating economic policies that prioritize the needs of working people and shape a new worker-centered economy for the future. 

DCFPI is one of five groups that will receive $600,000 in grant funding from EARN over the next four years.

DCFPI will use this multi-year funding to work towards the following: 

  • Advance reparative cannabis legislation; 
  • Develop a proposal for a guaranteed jobs programs for young adult workers; 
  • Pursue fair compensation for early learning professionals; 
  • Secure financial support for workers who are undocumented or in the cash economy; 
  • Develop research around a wealth tax to fund investments in communities living with the effects of anti-Black policymaking and divestment; and 
  • Advance ideas for creating a fully equitable tax code that is racially just in its design. 

To help support this robust agenda, DCFPI will use EARN funding to hire new staff and provide subgrants to organizational partners that have long-held relationships within impacted communities.

“I am thrilled about this partnership with EARN, which will allow us to make important internal investments and increase our capacity to advance a more equitable DC.” said Erica Williams, Executive Director 

This grant opportunity comes on the heels of DCFPI’s successful completion of a $100,000 challenge grant from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), made possible with support from the Sandler Family Foundation. Between April 2021 and March 2022, DCFPI collected $100,000 in new general support funding that was then matched by CBPP.

CBPP’s Challenge Grant program aims to strengthen the fundraising operations and organizational sustainability of State Priorities Partnership members like DCFPI. DCFPI is already using these funds to make critical investments in strategic planning, capacity building, leadership development, and long-term stability, laying a strong foundation for the work that the EARN grant will fund over the next several years. 

The DC Fiscal Policy Institute is a nonprofit organization that works to shape racially-just tax, budget, and policy decisions by centering Black and brown communities in our research and analysis, community partnerships, and advocacy efforts to advance an antiracist, equitable future. Learn more at