Housing for a Better Tomorrow

Earlier this month, the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) launched a new campaign to improve affordable housing in the District. The Continuum of Housing Campaign seeks to ensure all DC residents can have “decent, quality […]

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New Resources for Housing and Homelessness Advocates

Yesterday, DC’s Affordable Housing Alliance (which DCFPI is part of) and the Coalition of Housing and Homeless Organizations (COHHO) hosted a briefing for candidates to talk about some of the most critical issues facing residents in the District of […]

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A Slippery Slope

A few weeks ago during the FY 2011 budget debate, fiscal austerity was the DC Council mantra. Yet several items on today’s legislative agenda suggest that some legislators have already changed their tune. In fact, one of the bills being considered […]

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Defeat Poverty DC

Defeat Poverty DC is a coalition of organizations and residents in the District of Columbia working to bring greater focus during the 2010 election season and beyond to the damaging effects of poverty on our entire city. The District’s long‐term […]

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