How Divesting from the Police Can Strengthen the District

Every year, police shoot and kill nearly 1,000 people in the US—a disproportionate share of them are Black. It is past time to analyze how public dollars contribute to this racist violence, starting with our city’s budget.

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A Deeper Dive Into the Mayor’s Budget Proposals

This post provides an overview of how the Mayor’s budget proposal affects low- and moderate-income DC residents.

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5 Takeaways from the Mayor’s Proposed Budgets for FY 2020 (Revised) and FY 2021 (and Why You Should Pay Attention)

The proposal addressed pandemic-induced budget shortfalls by employing a mix of strategies that helped her protect, and in some cases expand, vital programs. Some community needs are met while others remain un- or underfunded.

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The Black Burden of COVID-19

Today, DC Emancipation Day, we commemorate the District’s important position as the first place where federal action freed enslaved Black people.

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