The DC budget shapes many things that touch our daily lives, from schools and libraries to filling potholes and trash collection. The budget is also our key tool for addressing DC’s economic and racial inequities, and creating more opportunity for all residents to benefit from our city’s growth.

Every year the Mayor holds budget engagement forums to hear from residents about their priorities. This is an opportunity to gather with other residents and make your voice heard about what kind of community you want DC to be. By getting involved in the budget process, you can urge our leaders to create a bold budget for fiscal year (FY) 2020—one that invests in the building blocks for a thriving DC.
Anyone can attend a budget engagement forum—you don’t need to be an expert to advocate for a bold DC budget! You can check out these resources from DCFPI if you want to learn more before you go:
- DCFPI’s FY 2020 budget priorities
- A Resident’s Guide to the DC Budget
- DC’s FY 2020 Budget Season Timeline
Sign up to attend one of the Mayor’s budget engagement forums.
Budget Engagement Forum #1
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Time: 6:30PM
Arthur Capper Community Center
1001 5th St SE
(Closest Metro stop: Navy Yard/Ballpark Station)
Budget Engagement Forum #2
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Time: 10:00AM
Deanwood Recreation Center
1350 49th St NE
(Closest Metro stop: Deanwood Station)
Budget Engagement Forum #3
Monday, February 25, 2019
Time: 6:30PM
Roosevelt High School
4301 13th St NW
(Closest Metro stop: Georgia Avenue Petworth Station)