Yesterday, we introduced you to the Invest in DC campaign and a package of revenue enhancements that DC can use to help balance its FY 2011 budget. We hope that you’ve taken a few minutes to sign onto the campaign as an individual or organization to urge the DC Council to include revenue increases as part of a balanced approach to the recession.
Recently, we’ve fielded lots of good questions about the District’s revenues, like: How much revenue has DC lost during the recession? Which programs are proposed to be cut in the FY 2011 budget? Which services should we include in a sales tax expansion?
To continue the conversation, we’ve created a new page on our website filled with revenue resources, including:
- A chart showing the decline in the District’s revenue during the recession
- A list of cuts to critical services for DC residents proposed in the Mayor’s FY 2011 budget
- Detailed information about each of our revenue proposals: increasing the income tax for the wealthiest, ending DC’s tax exemption for interest on out of state bonds, updating the sales tax to include more services, increasing the minimum tax on businesses, bringing parity to the alcohol tax, and tapping into DC’s “Rainy Day Fund”
Check it out, and keep the revenue questions coming!