
More Resources to Help You Understand What is in Mayor Gray’s FY 2014 Budget

Budget season is in full swing!  To help our District Dime readers understand what is in Mayor Gray’s proposed fiscal year 2014 budget, DCFPI has released our budget toolkit, including an overview of the entire DC budget and analyses of proposed funding for education, health care, affordable housing, homeless services, Interim Disability Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, workforce development and revenues. 

Another great opportunity to learn about the budget is a series of budget briefings taking place this week for a number of DC agencies, where the agency’s Director and key staff will be on hand to explain their budget and answer questions.   Briefings will take place this week for the Department of Human Services (April 17th), Department of Housing and Community Development, DC Housing Authority and DC Housing Finance Agency (April 18th), Office of the State Superintendent of Education (April 19th), and Department of Disability Services and Office of Disability Rights (April 19th and April 25th).   The full details of each briefing are below, including how to RSVP.  

We look forward to seeing you at one or more briefings!

 To print a copy of today’s blog, click here.