
Doing the Math of DC Schools Funding: A Look at the Public Education Finance Reform Commission and Its Recommendations

What is the most equitable way to fund DC public and charter schools? Are we spending too much? Too little? How can we make the schools budget more readable and accessible to parents, teachers and community members? These are some of the tough questions that were tackled by the District of Columbia Public Education Finance Reform Commission, which released its recommendations report to Mayor Gray and DC Council last month.

The fifteen member commission, which was created by Council legislation in 2010, spent three months examining these issues. Chaired by Ed Lazere of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, the group included a diverse set of city and school officials, researchers, community representatives, and advocates. The Commission’s final report offers recommendations for immediate action in the Mayor’s FY 2013 budget process as well as recommendations to be considered in future budget cycles.


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