Testimony of Kate Coventry, Senior Policy Analyst Performance Oversight Hearing on the DC Department of Behavioral Health, DC Council Committee on Health

I would like to focus my testimony on the need for services for low income residents with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), also known as acquired brain injuries (ABIs). The fiscal year (FY) 2021 budget includes $698,000 to allow some behavioral health […]

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Testimony of Eliana Golding, Policy Analyst at the Budget Oversight Hearing on the Department of Housing and Community Development, Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization

The Mayor’s proposed $250 million for the Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF) in FY 2022 is historic and, if targeted well, could help the District make great strides in alleviating its affordable housing crisis. The Department of Housing and Community […]

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Testimony of Qubilah Huddleston, Education Policy Analyst at the Fiscal Year 2022 Proposed Budget Hearing on Department of Behavioral Health DC Council Committee of Health

DC must recognize that students have experienced significant social and emotional losses that will impede their ability to catch up academically if the city fails to adequately invest in school-based mental health resources.

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D.C. Residents Carefully Consider Bowser Budget

Erica Williams, the executive director of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, said “this year’s budget is a historic opportunity to repair the damage done by the COVID-19 crisis and ‘build back better’, especially for Black and Brown residents.

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Testimony of Doni Crawford, Senior Policy Analyst at the Budget Oversight Hearing on the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Committee on Business and Economic Development

Mayor Bowser’s proposed budget makes substantial investments and legislative changes to expand access to grocery stores, sit-down restaurants, and food businesses in those wards. And while DCFPI is supportive of increasing access to affordable and quality […]

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