New Revenue Resources from DCFPI

Recently, we’ve fielded lots of good questions about the District’s revenues, like: How much revenue has DC lost during the recession? Which programs are proposed to be cut in the FY 2011 budget? Which services should we include in a sales tax expansion? To […]

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Support a Balanced Approach to the Recession in DC

The crushing national recession has brought hardship to many DC families. Unemployment has more than doubled over the past two years and public needs are rising dramatically — but the District has fewer resources to meet those needs because revenues […]

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The Week Ahead

The DC Council continues its budget oversight hearings and DCFPI and the DC Alliance of Youth Advocates sponsor a budget briefing on the Children Youth Investment Trust Corporation.

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A Stimulus for both the District and DC’s Jobless

On Tuesday, the DC Council took a big step to help jobless DC residents get more assistance — a move that also will allow the District to receive critical federal dollars during these tough economic times. It’s a clear win-win situation.

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